Alaska's best oysters come from Alaska's best places....
Alaska's Best Shellfish is a small, locally owned and operated oyster farm nestled into a serene, glacier-fed bay in Prince William Sound. With a love and respect for our oceans, our oysters and our community, we proudly practice advanced, environmentally-forward and sustainable mariculture methods and are committed to providing you with fresh, high quality, Alaskan grown oysters!
With a flavor profile as clean and crisp as the waters they're raised in, we guarantee complete satisfaction in our Brave Harbor Oysters.

As the northern-most oyster farm in the world, Brave Harbor provides ideal conditions for our oysters and farm to grow and thrive. The pristine, glacier fed waters produce clean, healthy oysters and the steady tidal changes ensure that they're getting the water flow they need to stay fresh and full. Our nutrient rich waters explode with phytoplankton during our summers of the midnight sun, providing them with an endless food supply and our cool, crisp water temperatures ensure that they stay as pure and healthy as possible.

Alaska’s Best Shellfish is dedicated to providing the very best for its local and global community.
Our mission is to provide fresh, high quality, locally grown and harvested oysters to consumers and restauraunts in the Anchorage-Seward, Alaska region and, in the process, engage and educate the community in the benefits of sustainable, environmentally sound mariculture practices.
Oysters aren’t just a business to us, they’re a means of enriching the lives of our consumers, promoting Alaskan fresh shellfish, and supporting the health and well-being of our precious ocean ecosystems.

We proudly raise locally sourced Crassostrea gigas, commonly known as Pacific Oysters. These oysters are a resilient, fast growing species that are chock full of health benefits, environmental advantages and a flavor as crisp and clean as the waters they grow up in!
Our oysters are hand-tended to from the moment they hit the farm until the day they hit your plate to ensure that they reach the highest level of growth, quality and freshness.
All of our oysters are raised in DEC certified clean waters, harvested in accordance to HACCP standards and undergo labratory testing and
tag documentation to guarantee their safety.